Existentialism Philosophy


"Behold, I bring you good news of a great joy... ; for to you is born this day... a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord"


About what? Why rejoice? Babies are being murdered, fornication is being praised, homosexuality is being accepted, and it seems that the Brave New World is here. But after taking a look at the Brave New World, it seems that there is something which it still lacks. It lacks joy. It seems that being "men without chests" did not give us what we all yearn for. It seems that having a license for fornication did not bring us the joy we hoped to have. It seems that murdering an unborn child did not bring us the peace we hoped it would bring. The Brave New World lacks joy!

But then we read in the Gospels, "Behold, I bring you good news of a great joy." Even though it seems like the Brave New World is here, we still have to rejoice. Rejoice because "the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." God is with us. Emmanuel! There is nothing like the Christian faith which brings joy to people even though everything seems to be falling apart. Just take a look at the saints and the martyrs. Even though it seemed that God was silent, they were filled with joy. They were filled with joy because they have made themselves a manger, a Bethlehem, for which they would let the Savior dwell in. Only a Christian eye can see goodness in a fallen world. Only a Christian eye can find hope in what seems to be a hopeless world. Only a Christian eye can one find light in darkness. This is why every Christian on Christmas day, like the shepherds, can glorify and praise God for all they had seen. Take a look at the eyes of a Christian. Though he may not be smiling, there is that mysterious twinkle in his eye. This is because every Christian, like Mary, ponders Christmas in his heart.

Christmas is a time for gifts. And there is no greater gift than God giving His own Self for us, for a sincere gift of self is the greatest gift of all. Christmas also reveals that time itself in God's eyes is young. God is forever young and so too must we become like that Child born in Bethlehem. We must be Child-like. As Fulton J. Sheen used to say, the more we become closer to Christ, the more child-like we become. And the more God becomes closer to us, the more He will be a Child.

Yes, we can be joyful. This Brave New World is not forever new. It will come to pass. Christians are getting younger and younger and the Brave New World is getting older and older. This is the hope and joy of Christians. Like suffering, the Brave New World is temporary. It will grow old. It will die. It is looking at the youthfulness of God which we can know that this world of ours will grow old. We can be young again! We can be young because to live in Christ is to live in the eternal, the youthfulness of God.

Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God in the highest! Hallelujah!

Merry Christmas!

posted by Ap at 12/26/2003 |

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